Spinal Stabilization

Spinal Stabilization Utilizing the Erchonia PL-5 Laser

Now that your symptoms are abating and we’re deprogramming your muscle memory, you are probably ready to begin retraining, recoordinating and restabilizing the tiny muscles directly adjacent to your spine and restore structural integrity. If you think of your spine as being like that of a radio tower, the tower is made up of interlocking steel beams for structural support. This tower is stable and can stand on its own. But guide wires are required for proper support to eliminate toppling of ethe tower due to outside forces… such as high

winds. Your body/spine function in much the same way. When the small stabilizing muscles are weak or uncoordinated due to injury, abnormal interference due to spinal stress, or degeneration …. Restabilization is required. Without this stabilization, it’s like having a tower with some of the beams made of rubber… this is not a stable structure. It only makes sense then to stabilize the spine prior to strengthening the guide wires because without the stabilization, the tower would twist and bend regardless of the guide wire support. I have found no quicker way to accomplish this stabilization than by utilizing the Erchonia PL-5 cold laser. (See Erchonia.com) This cold laser is the same one used by professional football teams and many other pro athletes. It emits energy at 635nm/s. This is the same frequency at which the cells in your body vibrate when they are healing… so the laser remodulates the cells to the 635 healing frequency, providing healing which is 25-60% quicker. It also amplifies the signal between the brain the muscles so that they may be recoordinated and re-trained to function properly and stabilize the spine.

The Restabilization process is typically completed in both the seated and weight bearing postures. We go through slow ranges of motion to recoordinate the muscles while the laser is energizing those muscles and amplifying the nerve signal. Then we perform the range of motions with multi-tasking (ie,Squeezing the knees or hands together)- This forces the brain to concentrate on more than one thing at a time. Finally, if you think back to the first time you ever injured that area, it will foster the recreation of the same neuropathways which formed when you first injured that part of your spine. You see, the brain, like your computer, records anything which is input through the 5 senses into the subconscious. SO, sound, smells, colors/sights, taste and feelings (temperature) are recorded into that abnormal neuropathway which was recording at the time of the injury. So, any one of these senses or thoughts (remembering) can restimulate that abnormal neuropathway and exacerbate your symptoms or cause your supporting spinal muscles to be abnormally controlled. So thinking about the sights/sounds/feelings, etc… which occurred at the time of the injury, while utilizing the laser to remodulate the cells to healing frequency and amplify the brain’s /nerve signal, will eliminate that abnormal neuropathway and replace it with a normal healthy pathway. Which will allow for a recoordinated, restabilized spine through all ranges of motion. These procedures are performed in both standing and recumbent positions. The process takes roughly 4-8 visits. We determine when you are stabilized by utilizing kinesiological muscle testing through those performed ranges of motion in both postures. We are then ready to progress to the strengthening phase where we strengthen the longer spinal “Guide wires” muscles to provide further spinal strength and support.